More Fetid Feces, Fed Forcefully from...

The Brady Campaign, who is busy protecting US citizens from their worst enemy: themselves. A quote from their hippy...I mean, completely factual database.
Second, there are certain classes of weapons that should be out of bounds for private ownership. They include Saturday-night specials, which are used almost exclusively for crime, military-style assault weapons like Uzis and AK-47s, and .50-caliber sniper rifles, which serve no ordinary sporting purpose.
Im a gun nut. What the fatty is a Saturday night special? is that like a .38 Special used on a Saturday? or a special gun you buy at a gun show on a Saturday night? If thats the case, then my Schmidt-Rubin rifle, which is now turning 63 and lookin' great, is classified as one. I love those indiscriminate terms! You could easily compare the evil, indiscriminate assault weapons used by the evil gun-toting NRA to the indiscriminate terminology of the Brady Campaign. Anyhoo, heres another tidbit straight from the bowels of their spin factory: The FN Five-SeveN is now the pistol of choice for criminals shooting cops. Move over Glock, you done got high-rollered out! That picture is a Five-SeveN. Number one, that gun costs 850 new. Thats really cheap. A Glock or any other reliable semi-auto costs around 500 or lower, depending on the quality and age and so forth. The exceptional part of the pistol is the caliber: the 5.7x28mm round, used exclusively in only two guns in production (they may have spread more, I need to research a little, but on Fabrique Nationale uses it to my knowledge). The ballistics are amazing, but the bullet is rather easy to spot and trace because of its exclusive use. SO, the Brady Campaign has revealed another appalling truth to us...actually, two appalling truths:
- Our criminals are buying super-swank pistols so their bling bling matches their gat gat;
- Our criminals can afford the expensive and hard-to-find ammunition instead of just opting for the tried and true, very very common 9mm round.
You go, Sarah Brady! You go...stuff it.
I honestly think that this is one issue that could spark civil unrest in the U.S. We'll let the politicians bumble and stumble around on issues for spotlight attention, until it comes down to them completely removing a constitutional right. I don't even own a gun, but I think people who do have the constitutional right to do so so long as the gun is purchased legally and they are not a felon.
Bingo! The issue has squat to do with guns. It has everything to do with power: every fascist takeover in history, or any megalomaniacal agency in general, has removed the right to bear arms at once when they got into power. Must be a coincidence.
Bingo! The issue has squat to do with guns. It has everything to do with power: every fascist takeover in history, or any megalomaniacal agency in general, has removed the right to bear arms at once when they got into power. Must be a coincidence.
You freakin' crack me up. Dang yo. I love lesson #1.
i appreciate your reitteration of the response to Alisa... anywho... a Saturday Night Special is typically classified as any imported gun (you can't purchase an American made pistol for under $100) with a 2" barrel or less, easily concealed and extremely cheap to purchase. Davis Arms, FIE pistols come to mind as they sell loads of .22, .25, .380 autos and five shot revolvers that are easily concealed with snub noses. The idea is you use them on Saturday night after you have boozed and cruised, now you're ready to lose... so you pull the gun, shoot 'em up hon, and then you get the fun... as some guy bubba, begins to mutter hubba hubba, and makes you his personal lubba lubba.
okay, that was a reach. good post.
Whoops. I didnt realize I posted the response twice. People need twice the reminder!
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